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Get in Touch

Vancouver Tel: 360-896-2207 • Email:

 Address: 6610 NE HWY 99 Vancouver, WA 98665

Portland Tel: 503-206-4178 • Email:• 

Address: 7831 SE Stark St. Suite #100, PDX OR 97215

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How To Get To Vancouver

6610 NE HWY 99 Vancouver, WA 98665

How To Get To Portland

7831 SE Stark Street #100 Portland OR 92715

***Celestial Awakenings and its staff (including any person renting space i.e. practitioners, readers, energy workers, massage therapist & more ) are not licensed to make any medical or counseling recommendations, to include the use of herbs, rocks, jewelry, oils, essences, or any other metaphysical objects or products to customers. Metaphysical Healing Properties of all products and services is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in lieu of a health care/ financial/ mental health/ legal professional. All advice given is just a suggestion, please see your doctor or other health care practitioner about all injuries, illness, or other health or emotional issues. Metaphysical healing properties of all products and services are not a prescription, diagnosis or health care substation. Opinions, content, or teaching expressed in any scheduled appointment, class, or event do not necessarily reflect the views of Celestial Awakenings and it’s owners. All Practitioners are separate entities that do not work for Celestial Awakenings.   All Practitioners are responsible for their own business and content.

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