Practitioner Information & Rates

Petra Moser
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2005
Psychic Readings | Tarot Card Readings | Medium | Home & Business Blessings Spiritual Guidance | Aura Cleansing | Mentorship | Clearing Karmic Enmeshments
Vancouver Location - Every Friday & Saturday
Book Appointments 503-998-7403
Home Office Available
Phone Sessions Available by Appointment Only
Petra has had profound visions from an early age. A gifted channel, she is clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient.
She is able to help guide you towards understanding and healing at a core soul level. Able to see and hear your own guides she can be a bridge to help you understand the path you have chosen before incarnation and how to align with and open to your gifts. As a psychic she can see the energy around you to assist with relationships, work related issues, energies in the home, and creating our future.
Petra's services include:
Psychic readings
Past lives
House clearing
Reiki Master/ Reiki Attunements
Energy Work
Mentorship program
Intuitive counselor​​
Animal communication
30 min $75 | 1 Hour $130 | 1.5 Hours $ 175
2 or more people one hour $180

Laura Skinner
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2009
Psychic l Multi-Dimensional Healing l Teacher l Rose of Gaia
Vancouver Location - Every Thursday by Appointment only
By Phone - Appointment only
Book Appointments: (360) -852-3429 (phone sessions available)
For More Info Visit: RoseOfGaia.com
Laura has been leading and teaching psychic and spiritual development groups for over 15 years. Transmitting channels, energy transmissions, and light encodements from her star teams. Laura also leads Group Trips all over the world to different sacred power sites working with earth’s power nodes and ley lines.
Laura has cultivated her own unique quantum healing techniques downloaded to her from her Star teams and Spirit. These techniques work with:
the releasing of the cellular libraries
releasing old imprints and anchors of the body
dissolving ancestral and soul lines for dimensional healings.
powerful channels and transmissions
unique encodements of light to facilitate healing at the quantum multidimensional level
moving the energy throughout the different bodies and releasing traumas at the cellular level.
This accelerates the activations of one’s quantum DNA for optimal organ functioning, body repair, and regeneration.
One of Laura’s greatest joys is witnessing and inspiring the growth and transformation within her clients.
1.5 Hours $ 150

The Divinity Within with Jeanette Hieter
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2010
Emotional Intelligence Coaching | Past Life Regressions | Soul's Purpose Activations Reiki Healing | Inner Child & Shadow Work | Spiritual Guidance
Self Love & Empowerment Work | Manifestation | Small Business Coaching
Vancouver Location - Every Saturday and Sunday
​Book Appointments Schedule Your Appointment Online
For more info & to read testimonials TheDivinityWithin.com
​Life can become difficult, overwhelming, confusing and chaotic. You may feel as if you're being pulled in millions of directions as fears and anxieties ramp up in your demanding life, or sadness and depression creep in. You may find yourself drained as you show up for friends and family members with a caring heart, yet are left with little for yourself. An emerging desire to live a fulfilling and satisfying life may burn and ache deep within, yearning to come forward, as you hold a sneaking suspicion that there has to be more to life.
You are here for a reason, and know it is time. Time to say "Yes" to yourself as you learn to heal and release sabotaging patterns. Time to shed limiting belief systems as you dissolve fears that are keeping you from truly living. You don't need to do this all on your own. In fact, I have found that journeying with others as they offer support, comfort and encouragement can bring you to new heights. Remember, when you use the same approaches you have always used, you get the same results we have always gotten. It is time for fresh new energies, intriguing perspectives and magical journeys, as we dive deep together and activate your soul's potential.
If this speaks to your heart and soul, I am here to journey with you on this sacred path, hand outreached, heart opened with over a decade of professional experience and finely tuned spiritual tools. Each session and/or training is created and customized just for you and your interest levels. With my own intuitive gifts, combined with Reiki, Energy Work, Oracle Cards and the help of your Higherself, Archangels & Spirit Guides, I specialize in assisting sensitive people with moving through the world, as they learn to build greater confidence, self-love and healthy boundaries.
Also, by joining forces with an amazing business strategist I empower small business owners to build their business with heart, confidence, divine guidance and intuition.
If you are in need, and you feel your heart open, call you forward and it feels like we are a fit, I am here for you and ready to journey.
1 Hour - $155 | 1.5 Hours - $188 | 2 Hours - $222 | 3 Hours - $333
Schedule Your Appointment Here
One-on-one Sessions | Session Packages

Turning Point Healing with Hannaneel Perez
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2016
Kundalini Awakening Support & Guidance I Spiritual Wisdom via Non-Dual Consciousness I Karmic Transmutation | Trauma Integration I Emotional Healing Land & Home Blessings and Clearings
Vancouver Location - Every Thursday & Friday
Book Appointments: Book Online Here
(Please Text for Same-Day Appointments)
Phone or Zoom Sessions Available by Appointment on Tuesdays and some Saturdays & Sundays
For More Information: HealingOfGenerations.com
Hannaneel is a Kaqchikel Wisdom Keeper specializing in Kundalini Awakenings. The Kaqchikel are an indigenous Maya Peoples from the central highlands of Guatemala, the homeland of her father's family. ​
Hannaneel has been supporting individuals experiencing the awakening and unfolding process of Kundalini Activations since 2018. Her journey with Kundalini began in childhood and continued on and off into adulthood. Her full “spontaneous” awakening occurred in 2013 wherein she was challenged to confront many deeply suppressed, repressed, rejected, and abandoned parts of her "separate self" and learn how to accept and integrate them into wholeness. Hannaneel did not have an external guru or guide for this journey, but followed an internal path she couldn't see but could only feel. Hannaneel developed deep faith and acceptance of the innate wisdom, awareness, and truth that arose from within. In Kaqchikel, the traditional language of the Kaqchikel people, Kundalini is known as Koyopa which translates in English to "lightning or pillars of light". It was only when Hannaneel began to share her experience and gained wisdom that she realized she had been following a path that exists in many ancient traditions. Through this truth, Hannaneel is able to offer validation, support, and guidance to individuals who are experiencing a true Kundalini Awakening or are in the midst of the journey of unfolding that results from a Kundalini Awakening. The individuals who most resonate with Hannaneel are ready to change their lives (but may not know how), have a history of trauma (personal & generational), have developed healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms​ including (but not limited to) emotional dysregulation, substance abuse, control issues, and mental hypervigilance.​
Witnessing the intricate and intelligent designs of each individual's energetic pattern, Hannaneel facilitates restorative and graceful balance via expansive clearing (release of all that is not you) and harmonic resonance with your divine sovereignty (your Supreme True Self).​ This can:
Release Emotional Blocks
Relieve Physical Pain
Activate the Body's Ability to Self-Heal
Create Feelings of Peace and Relaxation
Remove Mental Blocks
Increase Access to Inner Wisdom
Retrieve Soul Fragments
Balance and Activate Chakras
Bring Illumination and Clarity
Inspire New Ideas and Perceptions
Increase Creativity
Support New Ways of Grounding and Integration
For More Information: HealingOfGenerations.com
Schedule Your Session Here
1 Hour - $120 | 1.5 Hours - $150 | 2 Hours - $180 | 2.5 Hours - $210 | 3 Hours - $240
Land & Home Blessings and Clearings - $255
Guidance and Mentorship Packages Available! Session Packages can be a supportive tool during times of deep transformation and change where one may need consistent external guidance, wisdom, and encouragement.

Rod Lee Abernathy -
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2006
Alchemist | Cosmic Shaman | Reflexology | Reiki Master | Divine Channel Of Light | Munay-Ki Rites
Portland Location - Every Monday and Friday
In Person & Zoom Appointments
Book Appointments Text Same Day For Appointment: 503-913-6073
For the past sixteen years I have been learning about myself and my relationship to Creative Source – all that is. Finding myself aligning to the definitions of Mystic, Shape Shifter, Alchemist, Frequency Holder, Energy Amplifier while working with the 3D energies of Reiki, The Ancients, Munay-Ki Rites and Cosmic Shaman. Currently being in Human Embodiment of the here and now channeling the Archetype energies of Source Love, Goddess, God, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Gaia and Energy Portals.
To me this means I am here to assist with the integration through harmonization of all that is in The Here and Now of Duality with Humanity’s Individualized nooks and crannies.
Change to me involves looking at your life from different perspectives and reacting anew. You need not worry about the past but redesign the here and now that you are living and proceeding from. Where we find ourselves today is based on the energetics we have aligned with earlier on the path. Stagnation is remaining as you are, not becoming who you can be.
Step on to your path of self-discovery, which means experiencing the highs and lows, the perceptions of good and bad thus allowing the integration and harmonization of all that is within you.
I open myself to be of service to those ready to engage in your self-realizations, finding your truths deep within you. Your truths will continue to evolve as you live a life of exploration and expansion.
20 mins - $30 l 40 mins - $60 | 1 Hour - $90 | 1.5 Hours - $120
Energy Work – Reiki, Reflexology, Frequency Alignment & Activation
For Intuitive Readings Only (no energy work) $1.00 per minute (15 min. Minimum)

Michelle Kohn
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2021
Psychic | Medium | Energy Healer
Portland Location - Sunday
Vancouver Location - Tuesday & Wednesday
Book Appointments: (360) 772-5754 - call or text
Each session is done intuitively by layers.
Working on blocks and integrations along the way.
Helping you with your growth on your divine path of life.
*Inner Child Work
*Releasing Emotions
*Repairing Meridians
*Understanding of New Gifts
*Home/Business Cleansing
*Past Lives/Aspects
30 mins - $50 | 1 Hour - $90

The Fluid Soul with Christine Myers
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2022
Drum Readings, Clearings & Activations I Ancestral & Inner Child Healing | Home & Land Clearing | Chakra & Aura Balancing l Sovereign Activation l Reiki Master Facilitation & Attunements l Oracle Card Reading l Sacred Feather Jewelry Designer
Vancouver Location - Every Monday by Appointment
Email: thefluidsoul@gmail.com
Book Appointments Schedule Your Appointment Online
Christine is a certified Reiki Master and soul creator behind The Fluid Soul. It is her mission as a business owner and Reiki Practitioner to normalize healing the mind, body and spirit through energetic channels. Through her Workshops, YouTube Videos, Healing Reiki Sessions, Intuitive Gifts and Reiki Infused Jewelry, she is a lighthouse for those who are seeking change and deep transformation. She is passionate about empowering souls from all walks of life and truly believes WE are the main link to our greatest healing & breakthroughs. Christine is able to hold beautiful space for her clients, while their souls gently shift from one phase of life to another and helps to illuminate the path ahead.
Christine has overcome many set backs throughout her life. Her faith in her spirituality has been the foundation to her healing & overcoming these adversities. She now applies many of her own strategies to her teachings with incorporating the ancient drumming practice passed down from her ancestors of the indigenous Sami tribe of Finland. Through the drum she can see images and feel emotions from the past, the present or the future. With her drum she is able to dive in, clear out the old and bring in the new to unlock her clients OWN intuitive compass and manifest their truest desires.
She graciously roots herself deep into mother earth to stay firmly grounded on this planet to allow grace, forgiveness, balance, honesty and truth to show up in a judgment free atmosphere.
If you have been feeling the stir of life pull you towards your healing and purpose, Christine is a sweet surrender for the soul. A safe place to drop your worries and reclaim your sovereignty.​
1 Hour - $111 Reiki | 1 Hour in Home Session - $135 l Land & Home Blessings and Clearing - $255

Katie Anderson
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2023
Tarot Reader l Intuitive Psychic l Palmistry
Vancouver Location - Every Monday
Portland Location - Every Wednesday
Book Appointments: (360) 600-3442
Email: peace5801@yahoo.com
Hi there! My name is Katie Anderson and I am an intermediate psychic and professional tarot reader with life long familiarity with the metaphysical. My empathic abilities are something I've had since I was very young, but continued to strengthen and sharpen as I cultivated my gifts through trauma and adversity, as a mission to reclaim my light.
You can find Katie at many of the Celestial events like the Vancouver Celestial Awakenings Psychic Fairs. Katie offers curated accurate tarot readings and will show you a clear picture and offer the knowledge needed to grow through unconditional love! Katie specializes in shadow work readings to identify blockages and self-sabotaging behavior to help heal and empower you to access your highest potential.
15 minutes $20 | 30 minutes $40 | 60 minutes $80 l Palm Readings $20

Meghan Skinner
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2023
Energy Healing | Psychic l Oracle/Tarot Card Reading l Spiritual Guidance
Vancouver Location - Wednesdays by appointment only
Portland Location - Tuesdays by appointment only, Thursday and Friday night after hours by appointment only
Book Appointments: Text (360) 772-9651
Email: Megsworld28@gmail.com
Meghan is a second generation psychic intuitive, energy healer, mentor, and empath. Meghan has been honing and developing her skills in intuition, energy work and mental mastery for about 9 years now.
Meghan started her journey in her youth without realizing what she was doing entirely, usually being the go-to person in her friend circles to vent to and get advice from she didn’t realize she was doing anything special. It wouldn’t be until 2014 that Meghan would start to realize that she was channeling in a lot of the advice she would be giving and simultaneously would be weaving the energy to keep the person calm and comfortable with sharing their troubles and in most cases life stories that were steeped in trauma. She later realized she was subconsciously clearing the energy fields of those she would be speaking to and helping them release emotions and reframe the way they were thinking about different situations. This is when Meghan began to get fascinated by energy and all the different ways it can be channeled and used to help others. Meghan Started out by practicing on friends and family offering free sessions and readings to those she personally knew until she started to build a stronger foundation and more confidence.
In 2019 Meghan would unwittingly embark upon her own journey of inward transformation that would take her through her own trials and tribulations that ultimately would be a catalyst of self-transformation that would test her knowledge and ability in mental and emotional mastery through overcoming these difficulties and hardships
Because of the extreme nature and stress of the trauma Meghan developed solid coping mechanisms and different ways of self-regulating during the experience. Having to deal with extreme post-traumatic stress disorder, crippling bouts of anxiety and self-doubt created the perfect atmosphere for Meghan to turn inward, and practice some of the exercises she had previously learned, her intuition beginning to bloom during this time she began to rely on the push she felt from within that constantly remained a bright light in the face of such adversity.
Meghan specializes in:
Releasing false belief systems and outdated thought patterns
Helping you reframe your thinking habits and develop a better understanding of thought forms and how we create them.
Shifting one’s perspective and learning to become the observer instead of being enmeshed in the energy of the experience or other people’s thoughts and emotions.
Assists you to develop and understand your gifts and the language of your own intuition and how you can work with and increase your abilities.
20 min $40 l 30 min $60 l 60 min $100 l 120 min $180

Danae Marlene Smith
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2014
Soul Midwife | Energy Practitioner l Reiki Master l Nature Ceremonialist l Somatic Healing l Shadow Integration/ Inner Child Healing l Mentor l Teacher l Guide through Rites of Passage l Ancestral Healing
Vancouver Location - Every Tuesday and Every Sunday of the Month
Book Appointments: Text (360) 831-8951 or visit MedicineFromTheMystery.com
Danae is a Reiki Master, Intuitive Guide, Spiritual Mentor and Guide.
She has been practicing and exploring energy healing for over a decade, and loves to help bridge in awareness the intangible realms of energy and spirit through the physical.
She guides you through your patterns both internal and external, and helps shine the light of awareness on them and so that you can see clearly the energies that are underneath, unconsciously driving them from within you. Through this connection of awareness you can then choose differently for yourself, from a place of greater self agency and empowerment.
Each session is an organically unfolding journey, led by your own Soul and the greater force of Life’s wisdom, unfolding through you.
We will use the Body as a guide and the anchor for healing and growth.
As well as engaging the subconscious in the process through the creation of personalized and powerful rituals that unite symbolism and the natural world as tools for deep transformation and integration.
By using these tools in this way, we begin to bring the inner child into our journey of growth and self discovery in a way where play is used as an intimate and sacred vehicle to heal and embody our Soul Purpose and Potential.
This can include:
Emotional Clarity/Balance
Greater Sense of Groundedness, Flow & Peace
Greater Connection with your Self
Greater Connection to your Self through the natural world
Tools for navigating your spiritual journey/life with more self trust and ease
Transformation of old, limiting beliefs and fears.
Activation of your Soul Essence ad inner wisdom
Greater capacity for joy & play (which is the most potent palace to create from and sometimes the most tender)
Shadow Integration
Greater sense of Self Love and Acceptance.
1 Hour: $120 | 1.5 Hours: $155 | 2 Hours: $190
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Believe In More with Becca Lavin
- with Celestial Awakenings since 2025
Quantum Energy Healing | Medium | Spiritual Coaching l Past Life Regression
Portland Location - Thursday & Saturday
Book Appointments: Email becca@beccalavin.com or visit: www.beccalavin.com
Becca is a Light Worker! She makes you feel comfortable, welcome, and respected. Believe it or not she is a lot like YOU! She continues to uncover the real "Becca" while continuing to ask the universe for healing and support and just letting the layers fall away.
Becca does her best to stay grounded and live in the present in her human body and strives to see the spiritual meaning behind everything. Whether that be her inner circle, outer circle, or the happenings anywhere in the world. One foot in and one foot out........a beautiful balancing act!
Spirit has shown her that she has work to do; people to love, and hold space for this lifetime.
Please visit my website: www.beccalavin.com and learn more about me and my services.​
Quantum Energy Healing l 3 - 5 hours mins - $ 333|
Medium Reading l 1 hour - $111
Spiritual Coaching l 1 hour - $55
Past Life Regression l 1 hour - $55